8 Standard Infection Control Precautions Every Hospital Needs

In today's world, the spread of infectious diseases is more common than ever. This has increased awareness of the need for standard infection control precautions in hospitals and other healthcare facilities.

Hospitals must now adhere to strict guidelines regarding minimising the spread of pathogens within their facility.

Infection control starts with standard precautions every hospital needs to take to protect patients from infections that can spread through bodily fluids and cause harm. Some precautions may seem like common sense, but they're easy to forget when you're busy caring for patients.

Let's take a look at them one at a time below.

Standard Infection Control Precautions

Infection control is one of the most important aspects of keeping patients safe.

It's also one of the most complex aspects, as every hospital and healthcare facility has unique needs and practices.

That's why we're breaking it down into eight standard precautions every hospital should be taking to protect their patients and staff from infection:

Hand hygiene

Hand hygiene is essential to prevent the spread of infectious organisms and should be practised at all times by all personnel in a hospital setting. This can include using alcohol-based hand sanitisers, washing hands with soap and water, or wearing gloves when appropriate.

Protective gear for healthcare workers

Personal protective equipment (PPE) consists of things like gloves, gowns, masks, respirators, and eyeglasses that serve as barriers to prevent pathogens from contacting the wearer's skin, clothes, mucous membranes, and airways. When safe work procedures and technological safeguards are not enough to prevent exposure to hazardous substances, workers must use personal protective equipment (PPE). Different objects will be chosen for use depending on the nature of the public health worker's contact with the client and the most likely avenues of disease spread.

Always use gloves to prevent the spread of disease while handling bodily fluids, broken skin, mucous membranes, or anything else that might be contaminated. Phlebotomies and other procedures requiring access to the bloodstream always require gloves.

If there is a danger that blood or other bodily fluids will splash or spray into your eyes, mouth, or nose, you should wear a surgical mask and goggles or face shield.

If you will be handling blood or other bodily fluids, it is best to wear a gown. After finishing, take off protective gear and wash your hands immediately.

Effective Equipment Management

All equipment and technology introduced into a hospital or clinic must be appropriate for medical usage. If feasible, you should also make sure a comprehensive service package accompanies the medical equipment supplies and that the crew has received proper training in how to use the equipment safely.

Waste disposal

When it comes to preventing the spread of infectious diseases, waste disposal is one of the most important steps hospitals can take. Contaminated needles, bandages, syringes, and other items must be disposed of properly so they don't end up in the wrong hands or cause further harm.

Environmental cleaning

Patients and medical personnel alike need to feel secure in their surroundings. A surprising number of potentially harmful microorganisms may survive on surfaces even if they appear clean. Doorknobs, railings, tables, and other often touched surfaces are breeding grounds for a wide variety of infectious diseases.

Hence, it's crucial to disinfect such potentially hazardous contact sites. Disinfectants and other suitable cleaning supplies must always be used as necessary. Every healthcare institution should have stringent cleaning processes, and employees should be informed of their cleaning and disinfection tasks and assigned times.

Respiratory Hygiene

Infected patients visiting public waiting rooms or other shared spaces threaten the health of other hospital patients and staff members. The spread of respiratory diseases can be reduced by encouraging measures to reduce the dissemination of respiratory secretions.

Safe injection practices

Safe injection practices include using new needles, syringes, and vials for each injection. These items should be disposed of in sharps containers after use. Sharps containers should be leak-proof and located near the patient's bedside.

Controlled Handling of Blood and Other Body Fluids

All employees at healthcare institutions should have proper training in how to clean up blood and other bodily fluid spills.

These leaks risk spreading blood-borne pathogens like hepatitis and HIV and must be cleaned up immediately.

There should be no ambiguity about who is responsible for cleaning up accidents involving blood or other bodily fluids. There should be a spill kit available in case of blood or other bodily fluids.

A Clean Environment Is Important for Everyone!

A clean and healthy environment free from any infection is important for everyone. It's especially important for patients who are looking for treatment and recovery.

That's why hospitals need to take infection control precautions every day. From hand hygiene to cleaning room surfaces, hospitals have to be on their game when keeping their patients safe from contamination.

Hospitals need medical equipment supplies to help them keep their facilities clean and safe for patients. That's where Paragon Care comes in!

We are a medical equipment services provider that offers a wide variety of medical equipment supplies, including products designed to help hospitals stay clean and safe.