7 Types of Equipment Urologists Use

At Paragon Care, we have a range of equipment commonly used by urologists. From high-end ultrasound systems to medical consumables, our urology solutions ensure your medical facility is always equipped with the best diagnostic and therapeutic imaging equipment. In this blog, we discuss some of the most commonly used equipment by urologists:

Diagnostic Tools:

If you wish to reduce your turnaround time, you can skip the lab and install diagnostic tools like our point-of-care blood chemistry analyser in your urology centre. This will allow you to gain results on-site and make faster clinical decisions. The most common diagnostic tools used in urology include:

  • Ultrasound scanner
  • Urine analyser
  • X-rays
  • Cystoscope
  • Laparoscopes
  • Nephroscopes
  • Resectoscopes
  • Endorectal probe

BK Medical, a partner of Paragon Care, has been developing ultrasound solutions for medical professionals for the past 40 years. BK Medical’s surgical ultrasound systems offer unmatched image quality, seamlessly integrate with MRI/Fusion systems, and offer contrast imaging to allow urologists to make more accurate diagnoses. They also support robotic-assisted surgery.


Some of the most commonly used tools in urology are catheters. Catheters are available in several different shapes and sizes, and each type is typically used for a different purpose. There are three main types of catheters: indwelling catheter, condom catheter and intermittent self-catheter.

An indwelling catheter is left inside the bladder and collects urine in a drainage bag, which can be discretely attached to your leg under your clothes. A condom catheter is a condom-like device placed over the penis with a tube leading to a drainage bag. Intermittent self-catheters are used when the patient only needs to use a catheter occasionally, and it does not attach to a bag.


Lasers are one of the most commonly used urology solutions and can help a urologist treat several conditions. These lasers allow them to use endoscopic instruments with small diameters. These allow them to see even the minutest details in the urinary tract to help with diagnosis and treatment. Lasers can also remove blockages from the urinary tract or kidney, which previously used to be done via surgery. It is also safe to be performed on pregnant women.

Paragon Care offers Dornier MedTech Holmium Lasers as part of its extensive portfolio of urology solutions. These powerful and versatile lasers are tailored specially for urologists and come with unmatched features and smart controls.

Imaging Systems:

A diagnostic tool that allows urologists to accurately view the inside of the body and suspicious tissue structure to assess problems and perform safer procedures, imaging systems like laparoscopes, cystoscopes, nephroscopes and resectoscopes are essential for any urology centre. These eliminate the need for open surgery and improve visibility. Many imaging systems today also offer features like Ultra-High Definition, Magnified Visualisation and Wider-Colour Gamut and LCD touch panels for better results.

Other imaging tests include pyelograms, cystography, CT scans, sonograms, renal angiograms and ultrasounds.

Urology Examination Tables and Chairs:

No urology centre can be complete without a urological examination chair or table. These specialised tables and chairs have been designed to provide support to patients during urological procedures. The adjustable backs and seat rest in the chair allow the specialist to tilt the patient back to the appropriate level, whereas the leg support can enable the patient to comfortably put their feet up for a closer examination by a specialist.

Infection Control Equipment:

Because of the invasive nature of most of the tools used in urological procedures, it is essential for stringent infection control protocols to be in place. This includes the use of disposable probe covers, probe pre-cleaning and transport accessories and high-level disinfection systems, as well as the use of consumables of the highest quality to aid in the prevention of healthcare-associated infection. Your urology centre also needs a hefty supply of personal protective equipment (PPE) like face masks, gowns, gloves, hair caps and goggles. Additionally, your facility should be well-equipped with hand sanitiser and disinfectant spray for better infection control.

Surgical Instruments:

Like any other surgeon, a urologist must be well-equipped with surgical equipment. These include forceps, scissors, scalpels, clamps, catheter introducers, urethral sounds, needles and needle holders, surgical sutures, skin adhesive, surgical dressing and suction.

How Paragon Care Can Help

Paragon Care’s extensive product portfolio has everything you need to furnish an exceptional urology centre, from infection control equipment and consumables to diagnostic and imaging tools. Paragon Care partners with CIVCO to offer peerless infection control. Moreover, all of Paragon Care’s products provide an additional layer of disinfection through UV-C technology designed to improve infection control.

Paragon Care's the one to call when in need of healthcare products and medical devices to set up a urology centre from scratch or to upgrade the equipment in one. Get in touch with our representative to learn more about how we can help you.